I trust all is well.
On behalf of PGA CEO, Gavin Kirkman and myself, thank-you for the kind gifts that you recently provided us.
Whilst it is summer at present in Australia, I’m sure we will make good use of them in the current months and years.
In particular, when we head to the Australian ski-fields, the large jacket will be very useful.
I trust both Nick and our 2016 PGA National Teaching Professional of the Year,
Richard Woodhouse did a great presentation job in the latest trip to Korea.
As experienced and successful coaches and presenters, I’m sure that your coaches learnt a great deal from both Nick and Richard.
Thank-you also for again hosting our coaches and your professionalism in all dealings in relation to the collaboration.
I look forward to communicating with you again in early 2018 on further collaboration opportunities for next year.
Best wishes,
Geoff Stewart |
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